Dudley’s Monthly Message

Open The Package

The Christmas trees had many packages piled underneath for days before the big day. Now the floor is empty except for a few gifts left for family or friends who haven’t gotten theirs yet. Wouldn’t it be a shame if we left the big one with our name on it unopened – admired and anticipated, but left untouched? What if it contained the last will and testament of a rich uncle who left enough money to pay all of our obligations and secure our financial future, and we just left it there while continuing to live under the daily stress of crushing debt? Sadly, this is happening with the biggest gift ever given. Salvation is a big package and includes benefits most have never even conceived. Unopened, it neither blesses the Giver nor the receiver.

This is what the Apostle Paul is addressing in Philippians 2:1-13. He says that if something is in the package, open and use it.


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Open The Package

Open The Package

  • Open The Package 00:00

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